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Student Verses
Student Verses Read online
Don’t ask my name
I the one, the one with the voice,
the voice of reason,
the voice of misleading thoughts and sinful acts
and deceiving manipulative words.
In truth alone I bluntly state and hurt the hearts of others
and in truth alone I deceive the ones whom in trust we are formed.
I the one the one of chaos,
I the one without reason or guilt.
Don't ask my name for I might lie.
Jani-Mei Jackson
Ode to Jeanne D’Arc (Joan of Arc)
She was pure as a saint,
Powerful as the radiant sun that you could not taint,
Beautiful as the glowing moon,
The best leader we could ask for, we’d have victory soon.
But those British bastards didn’t agree,
And sentenced her to death due to witchcraftery.
They took her away, although she did fight,
She was tied to a post and set alight.
They laughed and jeered as she was burnt,
She was in agony, if only she weren’t
Her fierce spirit waned,
Her body became maimed.
Until, finally she was no more and she passed away…
Onwards she went, may she rest in heaven without delay.
But why? Why did she have to be taken so cruelly?
I can never forgive them for what they did…
Au revior, my darling angel.
Chelsey Baseley
They awake from their slumber
In a daze and feeling drowsy
To find a world of pain
Starving and crying
Nowhere to call home
Begging and pleading
What is their punishment?
What have they done to deserve this?
Surely no one takes pity
As they beg on their knees
Eyes heavy like they haven’t slept for days
Broken and destroyed
From the world’s cruel ways
What is to come of this?
No virtue no reward
Hurting inside
As they close their eyes
No bed to rest their head
Praying and Wishing
Hoping one day this misery will end
Megan Brown
Well then, seems I can’t go back.
But why? Couldn’t this happen to some other Terry or Mack?
I should stop moping, I have to run
They’ll want me dead if they’d known what I’d done.
I used to be normal. Well, if normal means being unseen
No one would notice me even if I’d scream
If I did something awesome no one would be phased
But if my brother did the same thing he would be praised.
I cried so much, it drove me crazy
That people thought I didn’t exist or was lazy
Maybe that’s why I did it, wouldn’t you too?
If everyone thought your existence wasn’t true?
It was one night my family went to dinner without me
I was alone in the streets, the lights dim and hazy
I saw a man jump an innocent girl
He was going to rape her, the thought made me hurl
I was hungry, but onward I ran
I would be a hero, so I charged at the man
I tackled him, punched him, caused him pain
But at this point I went a little bit insane
The woman I saved had already fled
When I dug my nails in so hard he bled
He screamed and screamed, my eyes were bloodshot
I ripped him apart with no conscience to make me stop.
Why do you look at me like that? That’s not even the best part
If anything this is only the start.
His pained screams to me sounded like Chopin
But I hate classical music, so I smashed his head open.
I used too much energy, I was now starving
So with my bare hands that man’s body I began carving
I tore a small chunk out of him and ate it
And quickly learned the thighs are the best bit
Not long after that, maybe two or three days later
My sin followed me, and turned into something greater
My form changed, I grew large antlers and claws
And my sweet smile changed into serrated jaws.
My reflection scared me, I just couldn’t see
How that hideous thing was actually me
What happened to the cute young man? The golden wavy hair?
My gentle violet eyes were gone, at least my hair was still there.
I’m not human anymore. My hunger is insatiable
Only tales of the supernatural are relatable.
I can’t stay, so to my brother I said
“I might hurt you, I don’t want to see you dead”
These faraway woods are my new home
With nearby humans to eat and plenty of space to roam
There’s nothing I can do, now I know
This is the unfortunate curse of the Wendigo.
Georgia Clapham
Just Another Girl
He watched her sitting on the bus
Saw the tears fall down her cheek
His breathing slowed, he closed his eyes
And thought back to the last week
He told her he was dangerous
That she shouldn’t play his game
But she had had her heart broken before
And she thought he would be the same
He took her out on dates
She quickly fell in love
Nobody’s ever been this kind before
It’s as if he’s from above
But little did this poor girl know
That players never change
And while she gave him all of her
He dated girls with other names
Soon he was tired of her
He decided to break her heart
Part of him didn’t want to
But he had warned her from the start
Now he watches her on the bus
Tears falling down her cheeks
And he decides to erase all his memories
He no longer cared about last week
Josephine Brooks
Soon To Be Dead
The winds enfold me as I am picked up off my feet. I am wrenched upwards, unable to hear my heart beat. Below I see a house get crushed, get pulled off its foundation. The water in the banks below, go dry with dehydration. A girl’s little teddy flies past my head as I hear a cry below, as another little boy’s teddy gets ripped in the large wind flow. The huge winds form a circular motion as the skies shudder with fear. Lightning flashes and thunder crashes before my eyes, frightening a deer. Animals scurry into holes to get away from the fast approaching outburst while I am thrown across the sky, soaring headfirst. A tree comes into view and thumps me across the head. I plummet towards the upcoming Earth, surely I will be dead.
Rebekah Bécsi
Make Me
Staring at myself from in the mirror
I see a girl who has been poked and jabbed
Why are they doing this to me
Losing my way on their statements of my errors
It seems like the real me is gone forever
She calls out
Please don’t lose who you are
Although you may experience blood and scars
Seeing what they make you hurts
Please don’t let them take you
Be okay
I know it’s hard
Please follow your heart
These tears that I keep losing
Show me you that you’re not proving
Be true
Be who you are
How do I make myself look perfect?
It seems that’s what I gotta do to fit their picture
No matter how hard I try it isn’t working
I can feel a pain inside me
How I long for my real love,
Real life,
Real smile
These real emotions I can feel on my own
Through my own
Not through their own
Aspen Muizarajs
Muted by your immobile tongue
Trapped by your lack of strength
Your fragile body remains motionless
Your life at an insignificant length
Warm breath finds no escape
From where your senses form
The emotional state I endlessly feel
Is nothing but a storm
Rain pierces my fair skin
From the shadowy clouds it falls
Unable to smile or laugh or think,
Barricaded by shrieking walls
Good-bye I say to all sweet life
My heart at a reckless pace
My eyes remember one last thing
The deadly bullet in my face
Courtney James
The white room is filled with the deafening sound of silence
Everybody stands around motionless
Looking at the bed where you lay
Breathless, lifeless
Why did he go? Gone to soon, he’s in a better place, people murmur
Every comment makes my stomach churn more
I leave the room, not being able to take the silence anymore
The same words swarm around my head
8:22, he is now pronounced dead.
Laura Sunley
Classical Feel
It’s the best feeling
When the dots and lines
Start to make sense
To form a wondrous concept
It’s so simple yet complex
Easy to understand yet few can understand it
Like that of an algebraic equation
It comes very close
It’s the best feeling when my fingers glide
Back and forth between the pitches
Sliding here and there to catch that quick,
Melodic tone between each note
It’s like nothing you ever hear now
Not like pop, or rock or anything like that
But, concerto’s, overtures and arias
Written by the greatest
Beethoven, Bach and Mozart
Requiring a special talent
That special talent,
A talent I have.
Kirstin Tapper
Diamond on your finger.
Tell me how I'm supposed to feel?
Being happy seems so far away,
The feeling that we used to share has now faded.
I'm lost in a wood, not with trees, with words,
My life described as puzzle pieces.
Once upon a time complete.
You were Juliet and I was your Romeo,
I was your prince charming and you were my princess.
Now I'm your ex and he is your lover.
Tell me how it feels to hurt me like this.
See you in the street,
Diamond on your finger.
And now I lay here breathless,
Everything in the past,
Heaven in the future
Elle Martens
Unreal Realism
I am dragged by fierce reigns from the fields
Reluctance drags me down; yet the voices of monsters call me
Despite this reluctance, I yield.
Lingering in the warmth; the rain patters
On the crying windows
I long to go back to a place that matters
Where the wind whispers to me in my ears
Where there are no hearts broken
I can escape this world of facts and tears
Each turn can be right, not often wrong
They reach the next chapters of the book
This is the place where sounds meld into song
In my fields of scarlet ribbon leaves
Flowers hum soft lullabies
Not always with the terror of Hallows Eve
There’s such uncertainty and mystery
Adventures under my paper clouds
They merge with memories, my history
I lie within my mind for hours, as I lay in the silver grass
I watch my violet sky wash over me
Until my time has passed
I venture into your masked mortuary
This uncontainable chaos is your reality
Now I know what waits outside my sanctuary
This is the world of nightmares
Why I built my own world to escape
When I need to flee from this world’s snares
In a place where all wishes come true
I feel the freedom of a world all my own
This unreal realism is in the mind of you
Emma-Jane Wescott
The snow fall gently onto the frozen path
The air crisp, clean and just as cold
I enter my house and hide from the cold’s bite
Now in the hall where the lights emit pure gold
I walk forward in to an open room
I see white light wrapped around the Christmas tree
Its branches bearing many decorations
Its sight makes me smile with glee
The table is already laid full of delicacies
I already found my favourite dish, of course the meat
I look at it ravishingly but know I can not yet devour
Then the doorbell goes, I jump to my feet
People have started to arrive for this Christmas day
Everyone seems to arrive in a rush
Dinner is started in minutes
So quick everything overlapped into one like a slush
Every year I think the same thing
How this is my favourite day of the year
Its only negative is its limited time
Now I know that the next Christmas is nowhere near
Harvey Talbot
Tears won’t bring you back,
But if only they could,
You’d be home right away,