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Trust me, you would.
You never said that you were leaving me,
You never told me ‘goodbye’,
Before I knew it, you were gone,
Will someone please tell me why?
Why would such a kind-hearted boy
Like you have to go?
The answers I seek within myself
That I will never know.
For when God took you on that day
He took a part of me,
I'll ask Him why when I see you again,
I wonder what His answer will be.
So for now, farewell big brother,
I hope to see you soon,
We’ll have some drinks together,
Some vodka, or some goon.
I love you dearly Jordan,
And even though we had to part,
You are forever on my mind,
And always in my heart.
Juene Reynolds
Jelly Beans
Jelly beans, luverly sugary food
Vitamins, minerals, eat ‘em all day
Glucose for energy, flavour imbued
The chemist stock ‘em – what more can I say?
Bagful’s of colours I munch without shame
Waltzing around in my belly, a ball,
Wondering how they came up with the name
Not made of beans, and no jelly at all!
Pick out a blue one, a yellow beneath
Red and then green, well perhaps just one more…
Syrupy goo, feeling good in my teeth
One’s not enough, cram in two, three or four.
Nothing else like them, believe me, I’ve looked
Jelly beans have me, confession: I’m hooked!
Mason Gittins
Ode to Summer
What is a summer’s day?
Is it the burning sun?
The smell of freshly cut grass
The sound of children playing
The hot sand that burns your feet as you walk along the beach
The hundreds of flies bothering you
The sight of bikinis and swimsuits
The taste of ice cream and barbeques
To me, summer is all those combined
Into the best season of them all
Lauren Wood
Shes gone with the wind
Her favourite song replays in my head
All the time even in bed
I see that dark night
Amongst all the bright lights
Her motionless figure slowly starting to droop down the hospital bed
face showing pain
eyes heavy with emptiness
an elderly figure fading slowly
Machines that were supposed to save her
Drained out her life completely
Her body was lifeless and no longer contained a soul
The remains of a person I loved dearly
Looking over her body
Brought a typhoon of emotions
Slowly building self-confidence
Not having to look over my shoulder
Knowing your there to watch over me like a big boulder
I felt your arms slowly dropping away
Knowing that I would never see your face again
Never going to have your arms wrapped around me
Knowing that this death
Took your last breath
my life will never be the same
Never no never ever again
Brooke Couper
I was only 18 when I moved to a stranded country
Desolated with nothing but dirt,
It was ruled by famine and poverty
Infested by wretched derros and swaggas.
A land of awful agriculture
Aggravation of unskilled pensioners
Irrational masculine figures
Declared war on the neighbouring islands
As the rivalry persisted the lives of many decreased
My mind went into solitude
As those of my remaining family members
Were dragged away by the rampaging government
As I sat desperately seeking the presence of a nurturing figure
As my heart thundered in the silence of the night
My thoughts running wild in the imagination of my presumed existence
As my notions were drawn to a halt
Due to the exasperating ringing that perforated through my head
The light struck through my bedroom window
Highlighting the alarm clock beside my bed
Charlotte Abson
As I looked into the distance
As I looked into the distance
I saw a girl, lovely as can be
She was walking to me with persistence
My heart pounded, as she got closer to me
The World got warmer as she neared
The Beauty raised her hand and waved
She yelled, the sweetest sound you’ve heard
The way her voice sounded seemed as if she misbehaved.
I lean on the fence to keep my feet steady
she follows me with a piercing blue gaze
this isn't right, I cannot be ready
My world becomes a blurry, coloured haze.
She smiled a perfect smile, I fainted
She turned and left, we were never, ever re-acquainted.
Joshua Spowart
Hey daddy
Remember me?
You left when I was only three
I just don’t understand what made you leave
You said it was to go see your daddy
But you forgot to come back for me
When I was 13
I found out I had another brother but he was from a different mother
It was hard to know
You looked after him but not me
What does he have that I don’t?
As the years went on I learnt to live without you
Mummy told me stories which is all I knew
I thought one day you would come back
And see your little girl you left behind
It soon became clear to me
That you were never to be seen
That was until last month when you set out a finder’s fee
Mummy said you were looking for me
You had pictures and my number apparently
I wasn’t sure what to feel
Not sure whether I should call or not
What if I’m not what you expect or I’m not your little princess anymore
Sometimes I wish you were here so I know what it would be like
To have a dad around all the time
Maybe some day we can meet
And I can look into the eyes of the man who left me
Trinae Conway
Football means everything to me
The techniques needed to play
People just can’t see
That you can’t be gay
In the way that you play
Every day I could play football
You can never say
That you know how to play football
Without actually knowing
The skills needed
Are actually growing
Anyone can play advice doesn’t need to be heeded
How high do you set the bar
You never know you might hit a star
Matt Brady
A Glimmer of hope
Dark sucks us in, as it wraps around us
The rain closing in, a blanket of ice
Ocean rearing up
A lion ready to pounce
The boat, an earthquake falling around us
Gut wrenching leaving family behind
My heart pounds
Emotions sinking in, a stab in the heart
A new day rolls in
We turn a new page
Sun shining as land appears
Warmth on my back
We know we’re nearly home
Smiles on our faces
We step on the land
With a sparkle in my eye
We start a new journey
Excited for the adventure ahead
A glimmer of hope
Emily Higgs
You were taken from me
By a force unknown
Ruthlessly it cut you down piece by piece
All my attempts to save you null in void
All our time-shared together
Playing, learning, searching for the next best thing
Your strongest element lasting no longer than your weakest
In panic I tried to shut you out
But as I saw you again it had not helped
But as I thought of what to do
I realised all was lost
So I let you sleep
To be swiftly replaced by someone else.
Ben Harman
Come here young child
Come here young child, and listen closely,
‘Cause everything I say, will help you mostly.
Yet what I say, will cause you trouble,
Unless you listen, to my mumbles.
So now you have heard, all my warnings,
Let’s get on and get going.
When I was young, and all boring,
I used to stay at home all morning.
But as I grew old, and very dangerous,
I became a new person, who was spontaneous.
I met a girl, as lovely as can be,
And noticed all, but the birds and the bees.
But it took a while, for her to notice me,
For I was average, and she was unique.
But yet hope was not lost,
For I made myself stand out,
And got noticed, by everyone,
But the one I liked, all around.
That was my story, as bad as it was,
But never again will you hear,
My story said, for all ears to read,
And my story, as hard as it is to bare.
For my life was hard, and should not be heard,
Unless it is to help, your life become a third.
For I am the man on the moon,
the sign in the shadows,
The dark in the light,
the one who survived.
Lukas Eves
Loving Ocean
Unpredictable, love is an ocean
A deep passion that everyone does seek
Love is the most beautiful emotion
Without it, a life is dreary and bleak
Waves of desire for your beloved one
Love nibbles away at your yearning heart
Your life has only just truly begun
Despair is felt every time you depart
The ocean goes on as far as can be
Never ending, the same as our story
I have found my destiny; you and me
Meeting you was my moment of glory
Deep and clear blue, your eyes, the ocean
You have my full and utter devotion
Deon Smith
Lost early one sunny morn
Across the field, mere crack o’ dawn
My brother took his due.
Truly ‘til death do us part
A rifle bullet pierced his heart
And surely he was through.
I knelt by close, held to his hand
To surely hear the last demand
Beneath the morning dew.
And as we said out last goodbyes
Onwards, second bullet flies
Now I lay next to you.
Alexander White
Summer Day
White clouds floating by
It’s a warm day, the sun shines bright
I lay on the beach, sand between my toes
Waves crash, birds fly, Ice cream drips down my hand
The breeze blows and the fish swim
The sun beams down on my pale skin
I close my eyes and breathe in the sweet scent of summer
Caitlin Sainty
Bring it in boys, come on, Nice and tight!
All right, there’s one more quarter left!
They aren’t that good! We know we can do better.
We are more skilful.
We are fitter.
We are harder.
We want it more!
We are still in this, just 3 goals down.
We don’t want to walk away today with a loss, we want a win!
We have worked our way from the bottom, all the way to the top.
We have trained hard all year, let’s not drop off now!
Nobody gave us a chance, they thought we were a joke.
But! We have turned it around. This is our time, our turn!
Do it for your friends, your family but mainly, do it for your club.
See this jumper you wear today. See this tiger.
This is who you are, this is who you represent.
I don’t want you to beat them out there.
I want you to kill them! Pounce at them from every angle until that ball is yours!
They are rubbish, they look like a group of 22 headless chooks!
Come boys once last big effort! ONE, TWO, THREE, TIGERS!
Haydn Matthews
Her golden locks
Too often smelt so sweet.
like roses, and oh so pretty.
Her smile was a lucky star
That shone into my eyes
It burnt its way inside of me
My heart was wrapped around her
Feeling what she felt
The good, the bad,
I’d have to cope.
Some days were joyful,
But others, not so
And on those days,
She felt no hope.
The days and months went on and on.
She didn’t know when it would come
She wasn’t sure how close or how far.
But she just held onto her lucky star.
But deep inside, we both knew,
She didn’t have much longer.
Our hearts attached,
Our bodies’ close
we tried so hard to be stronger.
But on that day,
we said goodbye,
and since, I’ve sat here quietly.
Jasmine Anglesy
Ode to My Best Friend
You always tell me the story of how we met,
Although it was years ago, how could I forget?
You were tall, pale, ginger and shy,
And that’s why it killed me, to say goodbye.
The days with you were what made my childhood.
We stuck like glue, through the bad and the good.